Are you pulled in a million different directions? Do you find it difficult to say no? Is time management a dirty word in your vocabulary?

Do you work “overtime” every day in your business? Did you know that our bodies are not meant for all that stress? Not to mention that neglecting your personal life is causing even more trauma to your system. When you look at your overall production, does it increase with a more extended work week? The answer is most likely a resounding NO.

Time is a valuable asset, and the key is using that time to focus on activities that reap results. It may be time to outsource some of the time-consuming tasks that are important but can be performed by others. It’s OK to take it slow, and a good virtual services company will remove the burden of some of the work, allowing you to focus on your core business. It’s time to PRIORITIZE your time.

Multitasking is Not a Skill
Many small business owners take pride when they say they’re great multitaskers. In reality, “multitaskers” are less productive because many times, they never finish even one task effectively.

A true multitasker is someone who can be flexible and assume multiple roles when needed. However, in a day-to-day environment, those who are successful prioritize and schedule blocks of uninterrupted time to complete the tasks at hand effectively.

When you jump from one task to another, it isn’t easy to abruptly stop and then begin another project. We lose focus, and errors are more likely to occur. Again, increasing our stress levels.

How Do You Achieve Balance?
You cannot do every task by yourself. If you are not ready to hire an employee to help, consider a freelancer or, as mentioned above, a good virtual services company that can share the workload.

When bringing on additional help, take the time to vet them with questions prepared in advance, and a thorough reference check. You don’t possess every skill, so choose someone that compliments your skillset and provides the balance your company needs.

Adding the word “NO” to your vocabulary will help ensure you accept manageable projects, and it’s better to say no than to fall behind. Not every opportunity is the right one.

In summary, realize your limits, and if you feel the need to exceed those limits, get help.

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